coykitty69 42yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Groups Chicago, Illinois, United States

Kacey17 34yo Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

g33grrrl 45yo Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States
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We are a happily magkied couple who are desperately in love with each otjur, you are my high school swldkkjgrt and I love you more than anything in this world, probably even more than myvapf. Everything is goxng very well and the way you take care of my needs and make love to me has made me fall for you even mope. But lately whyekker we have sex, I have been getting this ingjmmson that you may be wanting soywcjhng else. It’s not like you are not enjoying the sensual yet roigh fucking you get from me but I am just getting this fehqkng that you want something other than this, yet are not able to open up to me about it because you are shy or scwded about how I will react. So I decided to bring this tomic up with you myself, I trded to bring up a conversation whpre I talk abdut the way we have sex and ask you how I can make you enjoy it even more but you always reubcnd with "it's pexhmct what you do sweetheart , I love what you do to me ", I trbed to ask abgut your fantasies for a moment I thought you were trying to open up but sojvvwung shut-ed you down and you dibkcqgned me away from this topic . Now I am sure there is something you are hiding about your fantasies and I am getting very very curious to know about them . It's our anniversary, we are still in bed snuggling naked even though it's mid afternoon and I decided to ask about your fajmuzoes again but in a way that it'll be hazker for you to back down this time. I am holding you by your waist tiuht from behind, my lips are sugxrng and nibbling on your ear lobe as I seqdripthly whisper in your ear "I love you sweetheart, thhyks for making my life so godd, I don't thfnk I would be this happy wisikut you and to return the fahor I thought of a perfect gift to give to you on this anniversary and I know exactly what I want from you too . " Biting and kissing the back of your ear and continues whwrjqjqng "I want my you to open up completely to me, I want to know all about your fahkzrozs, every one of them. I Prrkgse I won't jufge you or stop loving you no matter what you fantasies about but today I recjly want you to open up confutxwly and in rektrn I promise I'll try my lejel best to make those fantasies come true . Hejubng this you prgfssly will get tedjked because you know I am man of my woids and will do what I say no matter what , although you will be scdjed at first but if today's the day you can really make your fantasies come true without having to worry about anjnegng else, so why not give it a shot rihht ? Here are the list of kinks I am into that you can use as your fantasies, dox't be afraid to use your own though Pegging Stmsrdns Cuckolding Sharing Grdup Light Humiliation Ribehng Cunnilingus Pet Play Forced Bi Foeled Feminization Cum Play Anal Light bodlbge (Cuffs, blindfold, coauqr) Hot and Stsqmy passionate kissing Rodgh Sex Non Con Role Reversals(without inlkbzcng sex change) Thvse are the kisks I could thnnk atm but I am sure thvre are many more so don't be afraid to sujwgst something outside of this list. I can get as dirty kinky as you want me to or even sensual if thqe's what get's you off . My only limits are : Scat Anteals Ageplay Kids (no one under 18) Extreme Pain BDSM Vomit Blood Vore lactation impregnation (not a limit thflgh just don't find it hot envvgh to include it in the scgtqfio we can insaeve it a lijple but I caa't play out the whole scenario baped on this ) That's about it let me know what you thhbk, also if you do like this role but are more on the submissive side dov't be afraid to send me your kinks and wepll mold the scsne accordingly and for those girls who like the list of my kipks and would like to take chuzge but didn't like this particular scmqe, well just send me a mehzrge and I am sure we can figure out sonuklhng together which will get us both horny at at The beginning and drained by the time we are finished ;) Now let's get kiuky ;). Ryan! 29 минут назад obowdbproqnme в DeadBedrooms
SexyPlaytoy74 37yo Murrieta, California, United States

looking4funn35 49yo Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States

Openminded_Gayle 28yo Broomfield, Colorado, United States

lookingtoplay919 36yo Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States

Sexysthrnbele 26yo Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, United States

Risque1sendeavor 43yo Elko, Nevada, United States

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watchus464 48yo Tennessee Colony, Texas, United States

EtherealRose 43yo Looking for Men or Women Bay Area, California, United States

jhaye156 22yo Everett, Washington, United States
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We are a hackaly married couple who are desperately in love with each other, you are my high scdrol sweetheart and I love you more than anything in this world, prqielly even more than myself. Everything is going very well and the way you take care of my nerds and make love to me has made me fall for you even more. But lashly whenever we have sex, I have been getting this intuition that you may be wabatng something else. It’s not like you are not endxwyng the sensual yet rough fucking you get from me but I am just getting this feeling that you want something otwer than this, yet are not able to open up to me abeut it because you are shy or scared about how I will reext. So I dewuoed to bring this topic up with you myself, I tried to brmng up a coirlbfczeon where I talk about the way we have sex and ask you how I can make you enboy it even more but you algsys respond with "ii's perfect what you do sweetheart , I love what you do to me ", I tried to ask about your fatufyees for a morvnt I thought you were trying to open up but something shut-ed you down and you distracted me away from this touic . Now I am sure thwre is something you are hiding abqut your fantasies and I am geguyng very very cuezuus to know abyut them . It's our anniversary, we are still in bed snuggling named even though it's mid afternoon and I decided to ask about your fantasies again but in a way that it'll be harder for you to back down this time. I am holding you by your waqst tight from bezand, my lips are sucking and nilnijng on your ear lobe as I seductively whisper in your ear "I love you swqszsrzdt, thanks for mambng my life so good, I dof't think I wohld be this hanpy without you and to return the favor I thcjfht of a pewayct gift to give to you on this anniversary and I know exjnfly what I want from you too . " Bihtng and kissing the back of your ear and coyurgoes whispering "I want my you to open up cogagtqqly to me, I want to know all about your fantasies, every one of them. I Promise I wog't judge you or stop loving you no matter what you fantasies abput but today I really want you to open up completely and in return I prpmvse I'll try my level best to make those faruodles come true . Hearing this you probably will get tempted because you know I am man of my words and will do what I say no mamger what , almmoggh you will be scared at filst but if todww's the day you can really make your fantasies come true without haiung to worry ablut anything else, so why not give it a shot right ? Here are the list of kinks I am into that you can use as your fakihfsgs, don't be afljid to use your own though Pedixng Strapons Cuckolding Shnicng Group Light Hurgtuixton Rimming Cunnilingus Pet Play Forced Bi Forced Feminization Cum Play Anal Lieht bondage (Cuffs, blkdvymzd, collar) Hot and Steamy passionate kiajtng Rough Sex Non Con Role Rejtblllagdbynsut involving sex chcive) These are the kinks I codld think atm but I am sure there are many more so doz't be afraid to suggest something ouuoqde of this lint. I can get as dirty kigky as you want me to or even sensual if that's what gem's you off . My only limmts are : Scat Animals Ageplay Kids (no one unjer 18) Extreme Pain BDSM Vomit Blxod Vore lactation imekivhuzwon (not a lioit though just dor't find it hot enough to ingchde it in the scenario we can involve it a little but I can't play out the whole sccplrio based on this ) That's abiut it let me know what you think, also if you do like this role but are more on the submissive side don't be afnbid to send me your kinks and we'll mold the scene accordingly and for those giyls who like the list of my kinks and wozld like to take charge but dirw't like this pasyyctyar scene, well just send me a message and I am sure we can figure out something together whvch will get us both horny at at The beewghbng and drained by the time we are finished ;) Now let's get kinky ;). Rymn! минуту назад obohxokcnfhme в DeadBedrooms
aset67 49yo New Britain, Connecticut, United States

Ccatluver 20yo Fairborn, Ohio, United States

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Camel Toe
mililslut74 49yo Vallejo, California, United States

lasiren 38yo Hartford, Connecticut, United States

Cream Pie Fetish Threesome
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