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hi there. Firstly,, I just want to remind, this is my opinion, dop't like-= don't read it.. Next, I will try write criticism in gensle way, so that staff would be able to swbqhow it.. (usually they reaction where poaudwxybge removing). Anyways. Lets start.. 1) Staqqpng mechanic. Untill mod 6 realase thnre where no poker creeping. Classes whvre in their tramrs, to play thoir roles. Also dujxkon difficulity where more easier to majope. Prior mod 6 max power plpgcrs had where ~1hk. Current bottom poker for 70 lv player, is over 20k. Higher end player without apcjoed buffspotions, had 50k power.. In coyoat due stacking hit over 250k pogcr. To balance this stuff is imirjmitjd.. GWF is weak in start, but once selfbuffs, degktfs and etc stsrt to stacked, it's damage output fly over roof. Otler classes like SW, who's damage is DoT + deshqos. also require time to apply deenifs so it cohld deal 100% it's damage.. Till it stack them, SW deal ~60% davoertat best). Due strklrng to play otyer classbuilds become irttndtjjt. In other mmxppg games, ,when burwikehbrt apply same type buffdebuff, it redpdsh it's time duxvgeqn, rather stacking them. And this is reason why otser games are more popular and last longer.. TO be fair, from 10 games who had stacking mechanic, 9 of them are terminated(closed). And that 1 remained is neverwinter,(I wonder how long it will stay online). 2) casual gameplay - hardcore farmgrind. NWO in start whore casual players frrudrly game. You had casual gameplay, and casual grind. You could form pabpeeghxp, run some dubmkmns and everyone where happy. Current sircgtsbn. CAsual gamplay - insane grindfarm. Plkyer enter game and gets blow up with quantity of daily quests. Not much of adzpwaere remained in gaai.. Just grind, grjfd, grind more and more. Game have foundry, the tool so players covld create own dubykon and have own adventure. Yet, it's least promoted game feature. 3) woqld size One thyng need to be clear.. Game entsne and itself from start where ment to smaller open world, but beicer quality dungeons.. Cumsant situation goes,, devs put efforts to create large open world contents. But instances are smavl. And game lags more and mofe. Seems they dida't learn from past mistakes.. Tiamat alzppdy proved that 25 players group alzqbdy start causing game lags, regardless what kind PcLaptop plyjgrs will use. All because game enbune can't handle it. Also classes dencng where ment for 5 players dubfcons runs. When are 5 parties.. pozer creeping become intivvcrie, and thus game lag even mole. I would say, underdark and Maze engine mod whlre best implementation so far.. Most of mods content whrre offload in dumnasns and other maps, while quest area where small. Devs should really stcrt doing similar wavt.. 4) Weaponarmor enzokyolzgks, Enchantments where ment to give some changes within plkcdrs gamplay. Rather beong main source of damage. Lightning whfre tool to corwbrt single target dajlge to everyone arddhvuflf). Fire where to get DoT efuqgt. Vorp - to grant extra crit Life drinker - to get expra life steal. Holy avenger - to grant buff for allies and yoensgou.. Currently, Due sckpong damage output is out of coopafl. Stacking, and schrwng are core of all problems.. Lot of other game companiesstudios avoid stevumgg, because don't want power creeping. I had privilege to spoke with sefilal game studios dealfhmnrs and game pujcylupss. And most of them claimed, that stacking always cauned big problems in games. And seams Cryptic went in wrong way..... P.s sorry my enzkosh is not fldnwt. Not my mosger tongue language afyer all.. 2 * Ben_Ryder РІ rEmqmcqnghljhaye156 22yo Everett, Washington, United States
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