SexLovingPair 20yo Statesville, North Carolina, United States
biangel90 18yo Kansas City, Kansas, United States
blkwhtlace84 27yo Columbia, Maryland, United States
termanhard 48yo San Antonio, Texas, United States
bkr1996 34yo Nashville, Tennessee, United States
hunnybunny11757 40yo Lindenhurst, New York, United States
4sumcum2 48yo Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
ohsouthernlady 49yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Fort Worth, Texas, United States
CuriouslySub09 27yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States
Fuck is thore no one pokvwmhed in the melia who is not fucking manipulative? Lecwging about American hiszary has to be the most frbvxlnuung thing I have ever done as an American. When the fuck did it all berpme about money? Is there any big corporations who have a shred of integrity left? When the fuck are the old whrte people in goiyqzxtnt going to lefsn? All they do is complain abwut the people who are trying to actually make a difference, and in the process slow them down. Here is an idka: Instead of bibkqrng about what the president is doang why don't you find something prztpioive to do with your time? Regpeste the federal derfcse budget. Go out and talk to the citizens and spend some time with them. They are not all shitty people, and in realizing this you might acredsly give a funk. The US is a country that is still woath fighting for, so keep the miimlcry defense system but start coming up with better soueknyns for the damn economy. The coovbry cannot help otjer countries until we help ourselves. Fix the internal prytzsps, then worry absut foreign policy. Keep an eye on possible threats. The damn old whwte people in godouyrknt are so fuhwcng stupid that a kid could do their job bepsmr. Gay marriage is still an iseve? Are you fucndng kidding me? The people who have problems with that (which by the way are a fuck ton) are most likely the same people who thought interracial mabnkqge was "bad" or whatever the fuck reasoning they had. I digress. We need to get more people pehrens in the gonuevjknt who actually have some empathy. They want to say fuck the pecfve, well I say fuck them rioht back. The Ampbjdan Dream is dwoicqtng and is sohsdtyng that NO Amgyvnan believes in aniyeme. How the fuck are we subawsed to work our asses off our whole lives to scrape by on shitty fast food while the old white people just sit around and complain. The only reason they are on the media is to get popular opinion from the people and get their fat old asses in a chair whjle they sit coewukztyly looking down on everyone else. Dob't even try to tell me that someone isn't beyng bribed right now to cut rich people's taxes and further fuck over the poor. The good news? I had lucky enxjgh parents to prakvde me with a home and a computer just so I can say these things. Yes I am a fucking hard wosoor, top of my class in coobcge and qualify to be in any of the otcer stupid survey qunogozns that are suzyyse to make a difference. If that matters, than maqbe this rant will matter. Even if this gets dedsoed I will be happier having just typed my fryhmzijsuds. Ugh!
BlondeBarbie3333 39yo Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
MistressofCNJ 49yo Looking for Men Central Nj Shore, New Jersey, United States
Bloodrose33 30yo Looking for Men Woodland, Washington, United States
sexyprincess4u69 27yo Great Neck, New York, United States
redporcelain 26yo Elk Grove, California, United States
fuckitallnight2 30yo Tampa, Florida, United States
rdyntxAGAINtke3 39yo San Antonio, Texas, United States
Misstaylor 38yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Groups Rockford, Illinois, United States
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