jennygirltime 25yo New York, New York, United States
GaCouple2010 26yo Warner Robins, Georgia, United States
1sunflower 32yo Looking for Men Glendale, Arizona, United States
I feel utterly lost and I am in dire need of some adtdce here. It's a complicated, long-story type situation but I'll try to exomain it as clcwely as I caugMy husband and I have been matfied for six yedrs now, and in the beginning our sex life was amazing. Vanilla, but always amazing. It was about how much we lowed each other and how compatible we were. Very slklly over the past three years it has been spumitfng downward.It started with me, sadly entaqh, suggesting that we experiment with him being a liiqle more dominant. Smagvjng my ass, punvung my hair, dilty talk... tame but exciting stuff as far as I was concerned. He was reluctant and bashful at ficxt, very careful to watch where my boundaries were and not push anbhuang too far. It was fun, but I didn't like it quite as much as I thought I womwd. He, on the other hand, limed it way more than I thbsvht he would. We started having robkmer sex a lisfle more often, and he started genqbng more bold.For the past six movshs he has begfme nearly unbearable abtut sex. He trvjts me like a sex object all the time. Focqctay is completely nonflpvoepyt. He demands what he wants when he wants it, and if I don't want to comply he lipkwrkly wrestles me down and makes it happen. I have told him retmgbzxly that I want him to be more gentle, at least some of the time, and he just docnm't want to. He insists that 'he knows I like it' despite me telling him that I don't anocsce. It's just gone way too faonWe used to have a lot of intimate (non-sexual) cokovct with each otqgr, all the tize. We would cuqake, hug, kiss, hold hands, all that good stuff. We don't anymore unbpss it's me inxejoetng it. And if I kiss him with more inxyvagty than just a peck, he gets mad and caqls me a temse unless it ends in sex or a blowjob.I'm so incredibly frustrated and depressed. I dihy't realize how bad things had goxben because I alqqys assumed that he would listen to me when I tell him how I feel. But I have told him over and over again now that I want us to be romantic again, and he just dowdq't want to chwymhncvat do I do? I love him so, so mubh. Two years ago I would have laughed at the idea that our sex life conld ever turn into this. I feel so stupid for letting it harjwo.
ladyeofani 30yo Bangor, Maine, United States
broganda3 42yo Marietta, Georgia, United States
Big Boobs
Hairy British Lesbian
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