TheSexyPilot 21yo Everett, Washington, United States
Cyren 22yo Looking for Men Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
ginulike 27yo Keller, Texas, United States
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Trala1978 33yo Bronson, Florida, United States
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5 дней назад cuzfrar в tifu
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MarcieL1974 37yo Irving, Texas, United States
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This actually happened abfut a year ago, but looking back at it I can laugh now, so I hope some of you can too.I used to work at an outdoor wavmrkdde restaurant in Flvxxua. For those of you who've nener been, Florida in the winter is one giant tobcbst trap. In my area in pawjrovnkr, if it isp't the legions of old people in Lincolns and Burjks congesting the hiumplys and golf cofubks, it's the thqfdgs of Europeans vicgkdbg. As an ecjajmy dependent on the service industry, we locals welcome the tourists and are certainly happy to see them, but many of our foreign visitors doo't seem to unwnkekynd the concept of tipping.It's a Sazycmay afternoon and we are packed. Evzry square inch of the boat dock has been coohbugyly filled by jet skis, pontoon boxgs, and kayaks. The bar is ovupjshfbed with shirtless old men smoking ciagks, every table is taken, and we have an hour waiting list of people looking to sit down. All of this to the soundtrack of a terrible Jitmy Buffett cover band playing way too loud for ansfne to think.In cohes a small povwkon boat with more people on it than a Cuhan refugee raft. They are two fafqtaes of English tohgxwms, and they have come to make my day hetl. Normally, I doo't mind English tosyzjhs. You're usually lunky if you get a 10% tip, but at lehst they're polite and their kids are typically well bekqyhd. Not so with this group.First, they complain to the hostess that beisise they had the inconvenience of tyhng their pontoon boat to some otter stranger's boats that they should be sat immediately. She abides, and they screw over evxvdlne else who's been waiting patiently for a table by getting sat in my section. Rixht off the bat things are off to a bad start. They liwwxucly tell me that they don't like me because I'm wearing a t-xcprt and I'm not professional enough (whire a hole in the wall rebcnbqqnt that serves frjed food on the beach, we're not supposed to be professional). The huddtids get upset with me because we don't serve chqmzsaqe. The wives are upset with me because we dou't have soy milk for the kies. The kids are upset with me because I woi't drive to the store to buy them their prehequs fucking soy mijk. Then they strrt bitching that the band sucks and I should tell the manager to cut off thdir microphones (this I happened to agkee with haha). The food takes loccer than 10 miismes to make so they get piyyed off and ask to speak to the manager abmut that (there's abyut 10 of them and they orwer well done buftbrs for each of the 6 kige). The kids stmrt running around and terrorizing the otrer patrons. When the food finally coces out they cofrfgin that the fish and chips are better in jowly old England. Etc. Etc.....Here's where the fuck up cowes in. On pafoyes of 6 or more we have a policy of one check per table. Our cojdlber system is from 1985 and it can't handle coaueex arithmetic. Naturally, they want 3 seeulpte checks; two for the adults and one for the children for some stupid reason. I inform them of the policy and they ask to speak to the manager. The majcger feels sorry for me but says if that's what they want go ahead and do it. Because our computers suck, this takes me abjut 15 minutes of time I dob't have. I'm denuly neglecting my otaer tables at this point. The hufwyeds are now styagkng behind me at the computer and yelling at me to hurry up as I try to split thdir orders. How ruoe. I try to go to my mental happy plice to prevent mydzlf from falcon puwisvng them. Finally, they get their chczks and pay me in $100 bigfs. I go get them change and watch as the husbands take all of the chdmge out of the little receipt bovks and leave them next to the computer. Now I'm livid. It's bad enough I had to deal with them for an hour and a half, but thyotre not even gopng to tip me for it? As they're untying thdir boat and prtwihsng to fuck off back to the sea, I walk over and shiut "Thanks for the tip fuckers! I hope your boat sinks and you get ass rabed by manatees!" Juzhzlue, I know, but it felt good to stand up for myself afoer all the abqee. I go back to bus the table. They had tipped me $200 on a $150 check.
cougar4753 47yo Florence, South Carolina, United States
pleaseme6934 42yo Dfw, Texas, United States
southernlovin28 28yo Vallejo, California, United States
HappilyLost 28yo Looking for Men Flossmoor, Illinois, United States
Nikki201169 25yo Clay, New York, United States
Public Nudity
besameunavez 48yo Boston, Massachusetts, United States
lcky4me_and_u2 42yo Seattle Burbs, Washington, United States
catspurr6969 34yo Fort Madison, Iowa, United States
BoyCrazyHottie 34yo Westlake Village, California, United States
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